Call Me Tai Tau (Big Head)
That doggie in that video that kept showing his back side to me, has been given a name.. He's called, Tai Tau, becuz of the size of his Head, lol, the head on top of his neck.... One morning as I got to work , I saw him sleeping on the walkway leading to the office. He's a sound sleeper unlike most stray dogs, because as you walk pass him, he'd remain asleep with eyes closed and all. He's a stray obviously and we found him loitering around our office area for about 6 months now. Totally self sufficient, very playful, and a cutie. This fler had a fight recently and hurt his left paw... that's the reason for this sad face, plus the fact that I have been chasing him around trying to get a good shot... wakakakaka....
Aww...such sad eyes!
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